Last updated 23.07.06
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Alex: Guys, last time we met it was 2004... So first question is: what much noticeable things were happened in your life for the last 2 years?
Camouflage: We had some personal things, like Oli and Marcus became fathers again and Heiko moved from Stuttgart to Berlin to refocus some things in his life.
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Alex: Your band has nearly 25 years history. How do you think, in what direction your music is changing with years?
Camouflage: We got more and more professional in writing and using the technical production possibilities. It is much easier to work harmonicaly, or to rearrange ideas, but the pure writing part is not getting easier, because your requirements in the quality of the compositions are also higher than 23 years ago.
Alex: Where do you find an inspiration to write your music & lirics? You write it in studio and it looks like work process or you write it everywhere, in any possible places, time after time?
Camouflage: We can’t name a certain place or moment, where we find an inspiration for a song – they come, or they leave you in silence – you can’t force the creative part, because the more you force things, the worst they get. Every song has a certain moment and if you don’t get at this point, you better put it away, to try back later – like we did with «Motif Sky», or «We Are Lovers». Sometimes you need 15 years and sometimes only a minute to get at the point of total satisfaction – or sometimes you never reach that point... At the studio, the whole band works together on the parts, which are not that good as they should be and during the production of «Relocated» we solved a lot of problems – but this took time...
Alex: What's your favorite theme to write songs about?
Camouflage: Something you really have a relation to – where the pictures come and the words, or melodies flow from their own.
Alex: What Camouflage track/album do you like most of all?
Camouflage: We can’t answer this question, because every album has its story and time, where we wrote and produced it.
Alex: Many synth bands became more «real-sounded» at the moment than their early stuff. They put synth beats together with real drums & guitars. At other side, some bands choosed totally opposite way and move from guitars to pure electronica. What do you think about it? What do you think about modern electronic music scene?
Camouflage: It is important to have no borders, because who put them? Everybody should use the sound he preferse. We tried out a lot and we can’t say, how the next album will sound. Use the creativity you can get in the work with other people and then you’ll find out, what suit fits the best for your sound and music.
Alex: Do you care about pop charts?
Camouflage: Of course, but it’s a lottery.
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Alex: You will release a new studio album on August 25th - long awaited «Relocated». Is it radically different from your previous «Sensor»?
Camouflage: Not radically, but it sounds different. We wanted a more shining and positive sound - «Sensor» is more dark, but as we said before, every album has it’s time and it’s sound.
Alex: How you can describe your new album, in few words?
Camouflage: «Relocated» is a very song-orientated, more up – tempo, more positive pop album, than «Sensor».
Alex: Which musicians did collaborate with your band in studio?
Marcus: We worked together with Volker Hinkel from the band Fool’s Garden on guitars and he will also join us on our tour. We also worked with Ingo Puls from the German band MIA, who played horn and guitars and of course, Jochen Schmalbach, our live drummer, who mixed the album and did a remix for «Motif Sky».
Alex: How many songs you wrote prior recording session? How much of them will be founded on album later?
Camouflage: We had 20 songs or ideas, when we started - 11 of them made their way on the album and 2 become b-sides.
Alex: What music had influence on you in studio?
Camouflage: Nothing special.
Alex: 3 years working on album - and it will be out soon. Your feelings? Are you satisfied by results of done work?
Camouflage: Oh yes, definetly! We are happy with the work and are looking forward how the people out there will like it!
Alex: With this release you moved from big major label Polydor (Universal) to much more independent SPV. Do you prefer to be more indie band?
Camouflage: It has nothing to do with status. For us it was a question of behave and Universal did not keep, what they offered and this process of dealing took us almost 1 year so finally, we stopped it and spoke with a company, who gave us a home, we didn’t have for years.
Alex: Do you filmed promo video for your new single «Motif Sky»? If yes could you tell some details about it?
Camouflage: We have a comic video for «Motif Sky» from some friends of an arts school in Luzern, but no «real» video.
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Alex: What do you prefer: to be in studio or on stage?
Camouflage: Both has it’s great moments, but live is definitely the best thing in the world!
Alex: Guys, tell honestly: do you still nervous before shows?
Camouflage: Yes we are and sometimes it is so horrible, that we have to stop for a moment to clear the senses!
Alex: What fans could expect from your upcoming tour? Please tell some details about the upcoming shows...
Camouflage: In Germany we have a new and special light show, which is hard to bring into foreign countries, so we had to strip down for these shows... But this time we also work with an guitar player, who will help us to improve the sound!
Alex: Where you are still dreaming to play a gig, and maybe you still have a dream to play with certain artist together?
Camouflage: Difficult question – we are not a handmade life-act with bass, guitar and drums, so it’s difficult to involve someone for a «live session»....!
Alex: Do you film you live shows? Any plans to release live DVD?
Camouflage: Yes, at the moment we are working on the concept for the DVD, which will be filmed at different shows in Germany.
Alex: You already performed few shows in Russia... Describe your impressions from our country and our public? Will you play here this tour again?
Camouflage: We love the country and the audience there – they gave us some unforgettable concerts in our career!!!! We will tour Russia and the Baltic States in the first two weeks of December.
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Alex: You use PC, Mac or both?
Camouflage: Mac – but now with an Intel chip...
Alex: How many hours you spend with it every day?
Camouflage: Uncountable.
Alex: Do you like surf Internet? What's your favorite sites?
Camouflage: We use the internet a lot – especially our own page But we also look for Camouflage articles, or political and entertainment news.
Alex: Do you plan some improvements on your website?
Camouflage: Micha, our fan – webhost is working a lot on improving the site and it’s worth a look from time to time!
Alex: What do you think at the moment about MP3 - is it good or bad for you?
Camouflage: It is good to improove the knowlege about our band and music, but from a commercial aspect, it is a nightmare!
Alex: Tell me honestly - do you grab any music from P2P music exchange systems?
Camouflage: No – never! Music is a cultural good, which has a value, you need to pay for, if you want to get it. If you like VW, or LADA, you can’t enter a shop and grab it, too!
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Alex: Did you ever use a drugs?
Camouflage: Yes – long time ago.
Alex: Do you like clubbing?
Camouflage: Definetely!
Alex: Are you interested in politics? Or not?
Camouflage: Yes, very much – we are very political and we’re talking a lot about politics.
Alex: Do you believe that you as artists can change society for the better?
Camouflage: I don’t know, but it can be one candle, which brings others to the point to lighten up their own, which brings again others to....
Alex: Are any of you involved in any side projects?
Camouflage: Not at the moment.
Alex: What are your favorite places on Earth to live, rest and work?
Camouflage: There are some fantastic places on earth to rest, or travel to, but the most important is, to be with the ones you love!
Alex: How do you prefer to relax?
Camouflage: With our families, at a nice place, in a nice surrounding.
Alex: Do you ever listen Russian synth-pop bands? Or any other?
Camouflage: Yes – we had some russian openers. Good music, but it’s strange for us to listen to the sung language...
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Alex: What is in your close future? Which work is waiting for you? Or maybe you wanna to take vacations?
Camouflage: At the moment we’re about to prepare the tour and the recordings of the DVD. Then we play a lot of concerts ’till the end of the year.
Alex: What do you want to say or wish to readers of our magazine and to all your Russian fans?
Camouflage: We want to thank our fans for all the support and for their enthusiasm which overwhelms us! We invite all the people to our concerts in december and hope to meet as much as possible there!
Alex: Thank you very much, guys, for your answers and your cool music! See you!
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New Camouflage album «RELOCATED» will be released on August 25th, 2006.
Check official Camouflage web-site!
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[ © 2006 shout! - all right reserved. Interview was taken by alex davie via e-mail. Thank you very much, Marcus Meyn, Oliver Kreyssig and Heiko Maile! ]