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In Strict Confidence - Live at «May Thunder» Festival [22.05.04, «Tochka» club] - Part 5

Last updated 24.05.04

On May 22nd, 2004 there took place Moscow international festival of electronic music entitled «May Thunder» - in «Tochka» club.

For the first time in Russia - live concerts of world-famous Diorama, Beborn Beton and In Strict Confidence (with Thomas Adam from De/Vision as keyboarder).

Just look at some photos of In Strict Confidence!

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

In Strict Confidence
In Strict Confidence

[ Check Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 ]

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