Last updated 11.06.04
ALEX: It was very nice to see you here again in May! Did you keep dreaming about Russia since October 2003? [smile]
THOMAS: In fact, I was very glad to come back to Russia since I really fell in love with Moscow in October, when we had such a great time there and it was just the same again this time with In Strict Confidence. I know I’m/we’re coming back.
ALEX: Well, this time you visited Moscow as keyboard player of In Strict Confidence. Strangely enough... Did you know each other before?
THOMAS: We know each other for some years now. They needed a keyboard player for their concert in Moscow and since our guitar player Lars is also part of their live line-up, he told ISC-singer Dennis to ask me to help them out, and so I did.
ALEX: Did you ever play in other bands aside from De/Vision, or it’s your first such experience?
THOMAS: A few years ago I did the same together with And One, it was some festival in Sweden.
ALEX: Returning to your main duty – De/Vision will release new album at the end of June. Is it completely ready at the moment?
THOMAS: We have finished recordings of the new album in April, «6 Feet Underground» will be released at the 28th of June, we’re still waiting for the final product, all we have yet are the promo albums and the promo singles.
ALEX: Please try to explain main theme of the album? Why you selected so dark title, even bounded with grave?
THOMAS: This time we decided to name the album after an album track, which we never did before. «6 Feet Underground» is a very atmospheric song that we both like very much and we simply thought that «6 Feet Underground» would be a nice, cool name, it sounds very interesting and mysterious in a way... this title does not represent the main theme of the album, there are different themes, styles and moods on the album, «Unputdownable», for example, is a very positive song.
ALEX: Your last album «Devolution» was your return to synth roots, upgraded with various trance and trip-hop influences. No more guitars and drums, you’re not rock’n’roll band. «6 Feet Underground» has the same idea?
THOMAS: Yes, this is true, there is exactly the same idea behind our new album. We both wanted to make an electronic album; this is what we wanted to do at this point of our lives. We used a guitar for three songs only, that’s it... maybe in the future it will be different again but right now we feel that this is where we’re coming from and what we can do best.
ALEX: «I’m not dreaming of you» and few other tracks are featuring a brilliantly catchy melody. But you and your record company decided not to release a single. Is it final decision? Singles are so unprofitable now?
THOMAS: It’s not the final decision, it depends on whether the radio stations like and play the promo single or not. If they like it, and we get some rotations, then a release is quite possible, if not...
ALEX: What’s your favorite track on the album? And Steffen’s one?
THOMAS: I can’t say which song I like the most. «Aimee», «Take me to heaven», «You are the one», «Six Feet Underground» and «Beside you» are songs I really love, and «Unputdownable» of course, oh yes «Right on time» too, and «Turn me on», and... I know that Steffen feels the same...
ALEX: You have chosen «Unputdownable» for your new video. Where it was filmed? When it will be aired on TV? If you can please tell some words about video story?
THOMAS: The video clip was shot near Berlin. There is not really a story behind it. We tried to picture some nice scenes that fit to the mood and the atmosphere of the song. We will have a rotation for two weeks after the release (VIVA), that much is for sure, after that we’ll see...
ALEX: Your official web site has online preview of your upcoming album. I want to express big thank you from each De/Vision fan for these audio snippets. Now we know what to expect – new masterpiece from our favorite band! Could we expect more music in preview mode – new remixes, non-album tracks etc?
THOMAS: We will proceed in the same way with future album or single releases, or any official remixes. For example, it is already possible to catch a glimpse of the radio version of «Unputdownable».
ALEX: Do you have plans to make official release of «6 Feet Underground» in Russia (as you did with «Devolution»)? How about release party here?
THOMAS: «6 Feet Underground» will be released in Russia, in fact by the same label that released «Devolution», but I can’t say when, I simply don’t know... Concerning a release party in Russia... it would have been possible of course. In July we have a release party in Budapest for example. But now it’s too late anyway, all dates are fixed.
ALEX: We have information about upcoming «6 Feet Underground - Tour 2004». At the moment there are some dates in Germany only. Do you plan visit other European countries with concerts too? And how about Russia?
THOMAS: Our tour starts in September. We’ll be in Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, and also in Russia (in October). And we have plans to go to the USA, but that’s not for sure yet.
ALEX: What you prefer now: work in studio or live appearances? Something’s changes with years?
THOMAS: After a long time in the studio recording the new album, we’re really looking forward to go on tour again, playing the new songs live... there is a time for everything... studio time is over now... the time for concerts is near... and we just can’t wait to get back on stage...
ALEX: Now you can answer following question: how you can characterize Russian public?
THOMAS: The Russians I have met in Moscow have been very friendly; our promoters and everybody who was involved gave us a very warm welcome, everybody was trying to give you a good time and I had also much fun while talking to Russian fans after the show in October... Russians are very hospitable... but on the other hand I’ve made the experience that, in a store or at the hotel bar for example, people aren’t always that friendly, the service is not always that kin... often they’re wearing a sad face and seem to be bored in a way... but that’s alright... but from what I have learned, you guys have a big problem with your police.
ALEX: What artists you listened during last 6 months (while «6 Feet Underground» recording)? Maybe it will be a key to your inspiration
THOMAS: I didn’t listen to much music during the recordings. I turned on MTV or VIVA once in a while, that’s it... nothing special... nothing that would give you any clue...
ALEX: Our female fans always want to ask you about your favorite parfume [smile]
THOMAS: My favorite parfume??? I don’t know much about perfume... that’s not what I’m interested in or what I’m thinking about... I occupy myself with other things.
ALEX: Again and again - you had so cool and non-ordinary haircut [smile] Is it special for you recent live appearance in Moscow? If for true we expected to see you like on your recent promo photographs. So you’re make us really wonder [smile]
THOMAS: It was not for any special event. I wanted to cut my hair the way I did, that’s all... another day another way... by the way, I shaved my hair again last week [smile]
ALEX: You busy with music 15 years. Do you feel that you’re getting enough? Or you have power to do it next 15 years?
THOMAS: Making music is still absolutely satisfying for both of us. We do what we love to do, we still have lots of ideas and I really hope that we’ll be able to make music for many years to come.
ALEX: You are 34 now. It’s excellent age of experienced youth [smile] Did you organize memorable party? Do you like wild birthday parties? [smile]
THOMAS: On Sunday, the 30th of May we had a concert at the Wave Gothic Treffen in Leipzig and at midnight we were on stage and the crowd was singing «Happy birthday» for me…after the show we had some beers but it was no special birthday party or something, just a normal after show-party. Back at home on Monday, I didn’t want a big party, I had a quiet dinner with Steffen, my girl-friend and another good friend, that’s it. I like big birthday parties very much, but I never celebrate my own birthday this way.
ALEX: Your plans for summer? Huge promotional activity or vacations on Hawaii? [smile]
THOMAS: We’re busy with the release parties at the end of June, but there is also a lot of time for relaxing. I will be in my hometown for two weeks in June to see my family and some friends. I don’t think I will be in Hawaii...
ALEX: Russian girls are crazy for you. Say something for them?
THOMAS: Hello to all our friends and fans in Russia... see you soon...
ALEX: I wish you success with your new album! Thank you very much for your interview, and… see you in Moscow in Autumn!!!
THOMAS: Thanx for the Interview!
[ © 2004 shout! - all rights reserved. Exclusively for SHOUT! Online, taken by alex davie in June 2004. ]
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